Wednesday 12 November 2014

cranks case broke

Salam sejahtera,

just a few weeks ago, during Eid Adha holiday. i went back to my hometown with my lovely GT128 thats just about a week came out from ICU due to Rod+piston jammed.

On monday, the day i supposed to ride back to klang, my nephews ride my bike. well they are teenagers 14 and 13 years old. well you know my bike not SJ anymore even a lot of downgrade been made(told you later), still the torque are a lot. unfortunately while there 'playing' with my bike the timing chain off from the sprocket.

at first i thought the piston jammed again, when i open the cam/sprocket cover i saw no chain on it. Great!!! so i just simply screw back the cap and ask my brother to help me send the bike to my sister house around 200 meter from my mom stall.

2 weeks later i going back to village to repair my bike. when open the magnet, and take off the starter gear i saw something i don't want to see. The holder for the plastic chain guide already broke into pieces.

but still i change the timing chain and luckily my valve in good condition.

i'll update with the pic later.

other are fine, just that the sad...

see u again...