Tuesday 16 June 2015

Marhaban Ya Ramadhan

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera,

Lusa dah tiba Ramadhan bg tahun 1436/2015.

Ramadhan will start this thurday for the year of 1436/2015.

Selamat menyambut Ramadhan buat rakan semua, di harap Ramadhan kali ini bertambah barakah buat semua.

Happy Ramadhan to all, hopefully this Ramadhan all will get more bless than the previous years.

Dalam bulan penuh ujian ni harap semua dapat tahan sabar kerana ak
an muncul pahlawan2 jalanraya yang berlagak jalan raya macam hak milik dia seorang, yg lagak macam dia seorang je puasa atas muka bumi ni, yang berlagak macam dia je ade keluarga menanti nak berbuka bersama...

In the month full of test, hopefully all can be patient coz they will come people that act like they own the road, acting like he is the only one who fasting on the entire earth, acting like only he got family waiting to break fast together.

Orang2 seperti ini la yang akan menguji kesabaran kita serta mengakibatkn jalan raya yg sedia sesak bertambah sesak dengan tindakan mementingkan diri dan kurang bijak mereka.

Those people like this attitude who will really test your patient and will make a readily busy road a massive jam with their selfish and less smart action.

Jadi para rider di harap bawaklah bersabar, janganlah di kakikan side mirror mereka, jangan di maki mereka...sebaliknya banyakkanlah Istighfar dan zikir, InsyaAllah akan bertambah iman, pahala dan sampai destinasi dengan aman sedang dia berbuka di atas jalan dengan air kosong dan asap lori...

So for all riders please be very patient, please don’t kick their side mirror, and please don’t curse them.. its better that you opt for Istighfar and zikr, InsyaAllah it will pile your iman and deeds and reach your destination safely and while the less smart people are breakfast on the road with plain water and smoke from the lorries.

Esok atau hujung minggu ni pastinya ramai yang nak pulang berkampung meraikan awal Ramadhan bersama keluarga di kampong, tak kisahlah dengan dua roda, tiga roda, 4 roda atau beroda-roda... Hati2 dan rancang perjalanan dengan sebaiknya. Berhenti pabila perlu,jangan terburu-buru..

Tomorrow or this weekend surely a lof of us will heading back to hometown for celebrating the start of Ramadhan with the beloved family, doesn’t mind you travel by two wheels, three wheels, 4 wheels or more. Please be extra careful and plan your journey well. Stop when needed, and don’t rush. Rilex and enjoy the journey.

Akhir kata selamat berpuasa buat semua.

Last word from me, happy fasting to all...

Monday 1 June 2015

GT128 - Back To The Root


My GT128 been downgrade for past few months, and for this few months it already breakdown for few times. Seems like it doesn’t want to back to its stock spec.

The latest one while I’m riding it from hometown back to Klang, suddenly the battery blow the cover up, even that the bike still work well just no more power from the battery. Need to use kick-starter.

A few day after days after that incident (still not change the battery) while I’m riding it to work, suddenly the meter smoked and the engine stop. Suspect there is short circuit on the meter; I open the headlamp and disconnect the meter socket.
 Start the engine and it fired up, but just for momentarily. Then it stop again, kick the starter, it just loosed with no compression felt.
So I request help from my friend and tow it to GTX-XTREME HQ. The next day I open the engine and found the problem. The timing chain had drop from the sprocket. Luckily the valve still good and not touch the piston, which save some money and a lot of time to replace it.
 Done replace with new timing chain, start the engine and its run like new engine.

Last 2 week on Sunday I want to bring back my GT128 from HQ, but while side stand it the EO leak out with quiet a fast flow. So I left it again, and just bring my Suzuki RGS back.
Poor my GT128... I think it miss to be my main bike and be fast. I might to improve a bit the performance later. So it not sulking again.
Current spec:
Piston : 55mm
Cam shaft: IKK re-tune
Carb : MIKUNI RXZ clone
Exhaust: AHM M1 manifold with Old round AHM muffler
Plug coil: Faito 7400 universal
Head: PnP semi spec..

Ok, enough for now. Till next time.. thanks guys.

Tuesday 19 May 2015

Dunia ku... Tafsiran ku..

Tiada benda yg mudah dlm dunia modifikasi bg yg mahu belajar dan melakukn sendiri... 

Juga bkn rendah kosnya.. Setiap modifikasi mmerlukn masa, ilmu, tenaga n pngalaman serta modal yg mngkn akan hangus tnpa hasil. 
Jalan2 dlm dunia modifikasi penuh liku dan ranjau. Tiada yg mudah... 

Hasil seringkali tidak berbaloi dgn apa yg tlh d hbskn... Masa, wang n tenaga. Dunia modifikasi mncabar manusia yg xtakut utk gagal, yg xjemu utk trus belajar,  bguru, mngkaji n bereksperimentasi. 

Bkn destinasi yg mnjadi ganjaran kerana itu hnya bonus, tetapi ganjaran sebenar ialah perjalanan, pengalaman n teman spanjang perjalanan itu ganjaran yg sebenar...

Dan andai modifikasi tu mudah... Siapalah yg sanggup byr ke Takim bratus malahan ribu hnya utk modifikasi exos.  Siapalah yg sanggup bayar ke Mekanik bpuluh malah ratus hnya utk setting carb.  Siapalah pula sanggup bayar ratusan ringgit pd Piston25 smata utk Port n Polish. 

Dunia modifikasi bkn dunia mereka yg hanya minta d suap. Kerana hanya kakilah yg akan mndapat.  Bukan juga dunia bg mereka yg bfikiran  negatif. 

Ssungguhnya ia xpernah mudah... Dan ramai yg tsungkur n bputus asa dlm dunia ini...

Wednesday 12 November 2014

cranks case broke

Salam sejahtera,

just a few weeks ago, during Eid Adha holiday. i went back to my hometown with my lovely GT128 thats just about a week came out from ICU due to Rod+piston jammed.

On monday, the day i supposed to ride back to klang, my nephews ride my bike. well they are teenagers 14 and 13 years old. well you know my bike not SJ anymore even a lot of downgrade been made(told you later), still the torque are a lot. unfortunately while there 'playing' with my bike the timing chain off from the sprocket.

at first i thought the piston jammed again, when i open the cam/sprocket cover i saw no chain on it. Great!!! so i just simply screw back the cap and ask my brother to help me send the bike to my sister house around 200 meter from my mom stall.

2 weeks later i going back to village to repair my bike. when open the magnet, and take off the starter gear i saw something i don't want to see. The holder for the plastic chain guide already broke into pieces.

but still i change the timing chain and luckily my valve in good condition.

i'll update with the pic later.

other are fine, just that the problem..so sad...

see u again...

Wednesday 24 September 2014

A come back from sleep and a bit of my naked bike race story

Assalamualaikum dan selamat pagi,

lama bebenor idak post apa2 kt sini.. almaklumlah xdo pitih nk beli lappy baru.

Insya Allah akan ade update walau pasti x sekerap beutifulnara punya page tu.

GT aku pn da dua bln mati roadtax, dan baru je jam rod and piston beberapa hari sebelum mati roadtax bln 7 lepas.

sape yg add kat FB.com/bimastar pasti tau yang aku de beli satu lagi moto pada ogos 2013. Benelli Keeway RKV200G, dgn kapasiti engine 200cc, walau x segagah KTM DUKE200 (RKV cash OTR pn xsampai RM8K, DUKE?) jadilah untuk bawa badan aku XXL ni..

Dengan RKV ni accident tak silap dah 3 kali, Genting highland sekali disember 2013, kat Elite speedway may 2014 dan kat taman sentosa jun 2014.

yg kat elite tu, masa tu join race by BikeNation supermoto challenge. Organizer ade satu kategori khas tuk naked bike. Di fikiran aku fikir bolehla nk berentap dengan yang seangkatan seperti NIMOTA CK9R, DEMAK DZM200, KPIPE & moto2 china la senang ceghita. 

But, on race day end up 4 biji moto je tuk naked bike category and that including myself. Dan aku satu2nya moto china, 3 lagi tu yamaha FZ150i fully@semi modi. rider FZi tu klau nak compare dgn aku ni, bkn setakat fizikal je, malah pengalaman dan skill semua jauh melebihi aku yang nubiz ni.

tapi tetap teruskan perjuangan. Best lap time cuma +-59 sec je... tapi masa race tu pun moto aku ade masalah dgn gear 3 yang jerking(sampai la ni dan makin parah, xdo pitih nk p repair), carb x tune dgn cun asl boleh je, badan yang sangat penat (ade kisah semalamnya, len kali cheq ceghita na).

Masa 1st practicce je yg btenaga, lepas tu habih lomau..

k la sampai sini lu... rasa ngantuk lak da.. esok lagi mau kijo...


kepada yang terbaca, atau follow blog ni terima kasih setinggi gunung , se-pickup superduke, selaju turbo hayabusa tuk korg.. korg yg buat aku rasa nak kembali menulis...

but this time bahasa dah xberapa cun...lebih santai ala2 pantai...

Tuesday 23 April 2013

salam pilihan raya...

sekadar hiasan...
lame benor teman tak mengupdate blog teman ni...almaklumlah agak bz dgn keje dan juga laptop yg problem OS nye...

mcm2 da berlaku sejak last update hari tu...

idokla teman nak cite semua skrg...nk susun blk cite2 tu ikut time chronology..

terkejut jugak teman ramai rupenye yg jenguk blog sukasuki teman ni...

nnt teman cite ye...sabau2...

apa2 pun, 5 MAY ni buatla pilihan yang bijak...teman nasihatkan kome buat lah solat istiuharah sebelum membulatkan hati untuk pangkah sape nnt...
