Friday 30 November 2012


Sorry late for the review of the class.

As promise here the review of the Top overhaul class by AB.

Well the class start at around 9am, start with servicing the brake pump and replace the brake pad..The bike used for this is Mr. Asri bike..even using DOT5.1 grade brake oil still take some time to bleeding it.

Then we start to open our top part engine starts with the coverset, then the head, tacking out the camshaft, detach the valve from its seat.

Then we clean head surface from the carbon (no picture as my hand covered with oil and carbon). Then we do the grind valve, take sometimes and patient to do it.

Remove the head already...
After that we take off the cylinder block and the piston. Clean up the piston from the carbon, check the cylinder for any scratch sign, learn how to arrange the piston ring and how to install back the piston and the cylinder to the engine.

As for me, I'm installing my new Shark 57mm block set.  A bit excited during this.

After that we are back to the cylinder head to install back all the parts. first task is to install the valve and the valve spring. Doing it manually with bare hand and a cloth could be physical challenge to someone. As I also changing my spring valve to a harder one to facilitate the high degree camshaft I'm going to install, its more challenging even for someone big like me. Lucky me, with a few tries I'm manage to install it. Then we install the rocker arm.

Then we adjust the rocker arm clearance. Just guessing the clearance as I don't have the right tools to measure it..

Install the camshaft then install the timing chain sprocket.

Put it to the engine, and most tiring parts is here, to find the TDC marking. The mark almost unseen-able as it so small. Take me quiet some time to really get it right. Then I teach 2 others how to find it.

Finish the installation. Put back the carb and start the engine..a bit hard to fire it up. then it running, a bit rough sound.. Then I change my EO then it sound better. There quiet loud knocking sound as adjust the rocker arm clearance a bit to much.

That some of what happen that day.. A lot more drama and things happen.. You have to be there to experience it.

More picture to be added later.


  1. salam bro nk tnya piston pakai yg shark atau dome punya(kalo dome brand apa yg pakai)?

    block shark ni tanam sleeve baru atau pakai yg sedia ada?

    performance mcmna setakat ni,top dpt berapa?

  2. piston pakai shark punya je..full set shark yg dlm kotak dia tu aku sumbat..

    xde resleeve pun..tunggu hancur dulu blok ni baru aku resleeve, tu pun klau hancur la..

    performance blk keje je pun..CDI stnded lg so still mati kat 140kmj..

    sprocket da turun 15-39..xrasa brt, rasa mcm stended je..

    cuma ssh ckit time nk start klau pakai e-starter..klau pakai kick skali tendang je.. tp ni bkn sbb blok tp sbb degree cam da tinggi..

  3. spring valve pakai yg AB la ni,camshaft IKK tukar x bearing dia tu,dgr2 bearing dia x tahan..

    piston x sangkut valve ke pakai piston shark punya?..maklumla degree camshaft tinggi sikit dr standard camshaft..kot la kena buat poket valve ke..

  4. yup!!! spring valve aku tukar..

    bearing IKK tu aku xtukar pun..blasah selagi boleh..tgh tunggu sifu dptkn bearing highspeed tuk cam pada harga mampu milik..yg de skrg ni seketul rm100 lbh..xmmpu..

    xpayah buat poket valve..clearance ade lg, IKK xcukup tinggi nak lagakn valve dgn piston..lainla klau ko dpt cari CMS..CMS ade plhn degree, ikt selera nak brp degree punya..IKK had tu je la ada.

  5. nice info... stakat ni probelm gt128 pada timing chain... btw moto aku blom kena lagi... member lain dh kena dh... mostly meka kata timing chain bengkok... xtaulah bengkok mcm mana...

  6. So far dlm sthn ni sy da tukar 3-5 kali timing sbb moto sy ni smua da usik..klau moto stended mmg xde mslh n thn lama...
